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      Jin Pin Electrical Co.,Ltd Zhuhai S.E.Z. Attend “IFA 2014, the 54th Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin”
      release time:2014-08-15
      From September 5th to 10th,2014, the the 54th Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin will belaunched in Berlin, German. Stem from 1924, IFA so far is one of the biggestelectronic product exhibitions in German. After the Second World War, thisexhibition was held twice a year, with 90 years history. Our company willattend the IFA, booth number is HALL 26,BOOTH 309-314.




      精品国产自在97香蕉_免费观看黄色A毛片一级视频_成人片免费无码播放国产HD_国产成 人 黄 色 网 站 小说
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